Program Title: INTEGRATION OF STUDENTS  WITH CONSTRAINTS IN THE REAL WORLD”, it was developed due to the activities from LLP LdV TOI “Big Pictures Learning: innovation for students with constraints”, BPL, Nr de ref: 2012-1-NL1-LEO05- 08670

Program Type: Inservice training / continuing education
Target group: teachers from pre-university system of education
The offers justification: The course aims to develop tools for counseling, career guidance and social integration necessary for teachers working with students who are at risk
Training Time: 24 hours

Purpose: Knowledge and development of skills necessary for real life education.

Skills covered:

1.      Understanding and utilization of the B.P.L.'s concept and philosophy (adaptation of students with social constraints to the real life);
2.      Application of teaching strategies necessary to achieve a learning plan, develop mentor - teacher student - parent relationships, achieving diversity experiential learning;
3.      The design of group activities that include academic exploration, team building, group identity and process creation;
4.      The design of authentic assessment tools, related to the specific standards of the experiential learning.
  • Planning thematic modules:
I.                   BPL concept – Why Big Picture Learning? (the B.P.L. philosophy; the R.R.R. rule: Relevance, Relationship, Rigor; worksheet for individual activities: What's hot? What's not? ) 8 hours
II.                Personalization: Working methods and strategies needed to develop student-school-community relationship: a. personalization of school environment (Pick Me Up, Advisory structure, School organization, school culture); b. activities for learning (I teach you); c. understanding a B.P.L. school ( case study); d. leadership for students, e-Learning plan,  PDI/PAS,  e. Workgroups What's transferable?  8 hours;
III.             Authentic assessment for learning in the real world: professional development; school partnership; parent engagement; Tricky transfer; worksheet for individual activities: ”What's hot? What's not?”; Training assessment/ questionnaire. 8 hours.
Strategies: presentations, discussions, exercises for group's applications, debates, development of materials, interviews, independent activity in their school (developing a Learning Plan) movies.
Assessment methods: questionnaire, portfolio: projects with the Learning Plan and movies about their school presentation.
Trainers:  Minodora Gavrilă TTC expert teacher, Georgeta Bolojan, Florica Paragina, TTC expert teacher, Iuliana Stana, TTC expert teacher, Eduard Iordachescu, TTC principal, Mihaela Stefanescu, inspector CNDIPT, Felicia Sandulescu, inspector CNDIPT, Alina Mangiurea, inspector CNDIPT, Mirela Dinescu, SSC N Kretzulescu principal, Georgeta Cuatu, SSC N Kretzulescu teacher, Camelia Panciu, SSC N Kretzulescu teacher.
Program Certification: T.T.C.'s course certificates approved by M.E.N.

Program Coordinator : Georgeta Bolojan, B.P.L. coordinator Georgeta Bolojan
E-mail : georgianabolojan@yahoo.com